Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rob McCann and Web Award!

Hello Lovelies!


Shot and Edited this for my friend Rob McCann's new EP, Murder Mile. He's acoustic and emotionally honest, with an extensive technical backround. Meaning=worth your time! In his own words, he sounds like "the best and worst days of your life."

Do you have any suggestions/criticisms? If there was anything you could do to improve this work, what would it be?

Recently I've been nursing a mental environment for myself, above all other priorities. Reading, Listening, Speaking, Listening harder-- a general mental consumption. Synapses a'gnawing, and ever tirelessly speeding tendrils to another mind transmitting. It feels pure, and the more I experience in life, the more I realize that mental stimulation is the meat of it. With the inactivity that is innate within our concrete confines, may I put even MORE emphasis on the importance of motion from the neck up. The verb of do lies primarily in my skull.

With that stated, I hope that my friend and blog-mate Cait will see how much I appreciate the merit of my thoughts and eye! Thanks SO much!


I'm meant to pass this on to 5 other bloggers, but seeing as my blog is so new, I doubt I have enough readers to count on my hand. So what I'll do is save this award for the future- as soon as I find a reader whom deserves it, I'll make sure to hand it out until I've reached my quota.

Thanks again, Cait!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Krystal, that's amazing.
AMAZING! Rob is amazing.
You are amazing.
Your blog is amazing.
As soon as I figure out how the heck to like add you as a friend or whatever, I WILL DO IT :D