Sunday, September 14, 2008


The Red, Darlings:


And the Blue:


Which do you favor? Why?
Why do you need rainfall?
That 3 letter conundrum is my most recent focus in the study of human complexity.


Cait said...

Red, my favourite colour. and that is a beautiful shade and expression of it. the other one it lovely too, just like rainfall.

And I love what you said about the fashion blogs. The facade gets to me sometimes, and then I'm ashamed of myself. Being real is what I prefer, but I forget that.

love, Cait

Cait said...

Thank you Krystal; I wasn't sure what your reaction would be. Your approach to life and understanding people is open and inspiring. I know there are tons of things we have opposite beliefs or opinions on, but it makes it more interesting and it helps to know that that does not need to be what sets boundaries to friendship.

love, Cait

Anonymous said...

You're conveying two separate emotions along with one that's the same.

On the one hand, we've got a heavy bit of seduction. On the other, mystique and serenity. (I highly doubt it's hard to figure which is which).

And in both, there's the complete fulfillment of self. Like saying, "This moment is the love of my life, and I'm so glad I finally found it."