Monday, October 13, 2008


This is a creative writing piece from an english description exercise. No editing allowed.

This sugar-dose is oval like a pillbox with a profile-bust to ornament it. Queen Victoria on my palette, butterscotch royalty. This morsel is an amber keepsake of childhood, encapsulating dust and the baked barefoot at Gramma's house. Warm and golden, like a nursery rhyme of the coffee table- CRUNCH, hard, and all the King's Men couldn't put the candy back together again. Butterscotch is that aged gem left to expire at the bottom of a thrift store purse, a frugal, sepia'd memory.

You should try the same! Eat a piece of candy and write on it for 5 minutes- its an excellent way to develop your style, and if you're not a writer- to identify it!

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